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Vegetation Control

Expert Solutions for Weed and Algae Infestations

Whether your pond or lake is for commercial production or a corporate lake site, it can become infested with nuisance weeds and algae. This unsightly growth is due to excessive nutrient input and can quickly choke a pond. This condition also makes fishing difficult and reduces the pond/lakes aesthetic value. A healthy pond or lake demands a continual long-term vegetation control and maintenance program. Because of this, The Lake Doctor specializes in custom weed control systems that are designed specifically for the Texas climate and your fish population.

Aquatic Weed and Algae Management

We offer a comprehensive selection of weed control products, equipment, herbicides, lake dyes, and algaecides to manage invasive aquatic plants effectively. Our lake management specialists are highly trained in the safe use of all chemicals and equipment, providing custom solutions for submerged, emergent, or floating weed problems. Plus, every herbicide and algaecide we use is EPA-approved and labeled for aquatic use by the Department of Agriculture, ensuring environmentally responsible treatment for your waterbody.

Advanced Aquatic Vegetation Control

To provide natural solutions for aquatic weed control, we specialize in breeding and selling triploid grass carp and tilapia as effective alternatives to chemical or mechanical methods. Our services also include nutrient precipitation, tailored fertilization plans, and advanced aeration systems to encourage healthy plankton blooms that improve pond health and naturally reduce weed growth. Whether you need a fully weed-free waterbody or targeted vegetation coverage to enhance fish habitats, our affordable programs are tailored to meet your lake or pond's specific needs.