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Aquatron - Water Soluble Packets

Water Soluble Packets

The use of Aquatron will greatly improve the looks and health of your water body by naturally improving pond water quality and clarity.

Aquatron is a natural blend of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria developed to provide you with clean, clear, beautiful water. It is effective in binding water column nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen and has been proven worldwide in lake and pond management. You might also be interested in looking at Waste and Sludge Reducer.

Aquatron Product Line

Aquatron is available in 10 and 25 lb buckets containing pre-packagaed 8oz, water-soluble packets (WSP). Application is very easy, it involves throwing a few packets of Aquatron in every other week (see dosage below).

AQUA10WSP1-10 lb bucket w/ 20 WSP
AQUA25WSP1-25 lb bucket w/ 50 WSP

Application Rate:

Initial Does — 3-6 lbs per surface acre

Maintenance Dosage — 2 lbs per surface acre every two weeks throughout the season.

For the Best results we recommend treating throughout the growing season in your area.*Information on Aquatron's effectiveness in phosphorus mitigation and general water quality improvement are available upon request.